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Believers Coming to Serve

Would you like to volunteer your services to our church?  Our Savior's provides many opportunities to serve our Lord and Savior through your talents.
                                 "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10
worship leaders
Worship Leaders

Would you prefer to help with part of worship service?
Readers - Those who are experienced or naturally gifted in reading aloud are encouraged to help lead worship by reading the appointed Scripture lessons for each week.  Volunteers rotate in dates that fit your schedule.


Ushers- Prefer a quieter profession?  Ushers assist with distrubuting bulletins, collecting offering, and directing movements in the sanctuary.  Usher on a rotating alphabetical basis.


Greeters - Like to smile?  A door greeter may be just what you have been looking for.  Welcome your fellow Christians to worship, answer questions, join all in fellowship!


mission action
Mission Action

Like to quilt?  Mission Action may be just for you!  This group of dedicated ladies gets together weekly to cut, organize, stitch, quilt and bind multiple quilts every year!  In addition, this spunky group organizes clothing drives for Lutheran world relief and Marie Sandvik and other charitable groups.  Collecting everything from baby layettes, men's work clothing, and householde items, they then carefully package everything up to help those in need. 


Want to help but you're not the sewing machine type?  This group loves to take your old clothing off of your hands and turn it into something beautiful.  Click the join group button below to learn more about this special group.

cross eyed
Cross Eyed Contemporary Worship


How about singing praises to the Lord?  Cross Eyed is a contemporary worship group that performs during worship every third Sunday of the month, and on given years will lead Wednesday Lenten services.  This lively group of instrumentalists and vocalists practice on Wednesday nights and new members are always welcome!  Their main focus is Christian witness, prayer, and scripture performed with simple instrumentation and voice.  If your eyes are always on the cross, this may be the perfect group for you!


Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp!  Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe!  Praise him with clanging cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals!  Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! -Psalm 150:3-6 

Our Savior's Women

OSW is an integral part of the success of our congregation and the epitome of the phrase "God's work. Our Hands".  Assisting with organizing everything from altar committees, bazaars/bake sales, funeral committees, church cleaning, liturgical arts, circle Bible study and more; Our Savior's Women is sure to have something to fit your style of service to the Lord.  Our Savior's Women meets the first Thursday of the month as a group, and at scheduled times for circle groups.  They are always welcoming new members!

Our Savior's women
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