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Youth Ministry

Our Savior's Lutheran is glad to offer many youth ministry opportunities for all of God's children to learn and grow in Christ!  A few are listed below, click the links in the drop down menu for more opportunities.
"Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs" -Mark 10:14
Sunday School


As a Sunday School Board, nothing is more important to us than teaching children about God, the healing power of his Son, Jesus Christ, and the grace provided by God and available to us by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our Goals:

    Make if fun – so they keep coming

    Make it simple – so they understand

    Make it tangible – so they can relate to it

    Make it apply – so they know how to use it

We have brought in new, exciting curriculum (Spark, Connect, and re:Form) that makes learning and teaching fun! To learn more, click the link below.

Milestones Ministry


​Milestone Ministries is a unique program that marks important milestones in each child's faith journey. This ministry begins with the baptism of your child in our church and continues from that time until graduation.


Its’ goals are to provide families with tools     and encouragement as they help their child build and grow their relationship with Christ and provide congregational support of the family.  Most importantly, it serves as a yearly reminder that each student is a child of God, dearly loved, and washed clean in the waters of baptism by the power of Holy Spirit.


For event calendars and more, click below.

OSL Youth League


Our Savior's Youth League is is open to grades 6-12 and provides opportunity to share in the love of Christ through fellowship and service. 


Students participate as acolytes during worship, youth sunday worship leaders, serve light lunch during fellowship hour, Palm Sunday basket auction, provide a delicious Easter breakfast, and engage one another during faith building events through the year.  Food drives, Wish Tree, and Super Bowl sub fundraisers name just a few of these events.  A highlight for everyone is the ELCA Youth Gathering that is open to 9-12 grades.


​For event calendars and more, click below.

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